Another outing and nothing to show for it :-(
Here I am again with another outing to take some photos and I really have nothing to show for it. It is not that the photos are bad, they are just not interesting. Perhaps I just needed to spend a little more time and come up with a better composition, or maybe it was just bad lighting, or maybe I am just way out of practice with actually taking photos. I mean, it has been a while.
I know it is all that and just not being inspired by the places we have been going to where I have had the opportunity to take pictures. I watch people on YouTube taking these amazing photos in these really picturesque places and I completely have the grass is greener on the other side mindset going. I mean let’s be real. If I was in some of the places that these content creators are going to, I would be snapping amazing pics all day long. Well, at least that is what I keep saying to myself. In reality, I might just come away with a single okay photo.
The really big thing for me, now that all the challenges from the beginning of the year are over is just to start getting back out there and taking pictures and enjoying the experience. I know the places that are close by that I can take photos that I will like, I just need to go.
With all that said, I do tell myself that it is always okay to come home with nothing. Being a photographer is not always about coming home with amazing photos, sometimes it is just about getting out there and experiencing life. I mean that is really the reason that I picked the camera up again after so many years. It does not have any boundaries, so you can go anywhere with it and if you are fortunate enough it will take you all the places you wanted to go and all the places that you did not know you wanted to go.